Wednesday 5 February 2014

Seven Characteristics of Good Leaders

There are seven characteristics of good leaders in BPO business. And they are as follow:
  1. Great Listener: They listen to the problem and think to resolve them.
  2. Ethical: They are always in manners.
  3. Analytical: They talk sense instead of wasting time in useless talk.
  4. Driven: They are always self-motivated. They don’t need anyone else to make them ambitious.
  5. Set the Example: They lead from front and create examples for their subordinates.
  6. Responsible: They are accountable without other’s follow up. 
  7. Share the Credit: They appreciate the work and try to get appreciation for their juniors instead of themselves.

Reporting Your Monthly Production vs Goal in BPO

Production VS Goal

Our team did an excellent job this month and managed to achieve $31,676 against the revenue target of $30,240. The cross sell ratio this month has been outstanding as well.

Monthly stats are as follows:

How To Lead In A Company With Team

Last quarter of the year was one of the best months for our Project and the company. We learnt a lot from this month and overcame all the challenges that arise during the month. Team did an outstanding job throughout the month.

Team managed to over-achieve the revenue goal by 40% and contributed 35% towards the total Revenue goal of the company which is a great achievement for us and for the team. The start of the month and the 1st week was one of the best weeks we had where team over-achieved the weekly goal by almost 50%. We had 100% attendance and 99% QA.

The 2nd week for the month also went as planned and we over-achieved our daily goal by 25%. The attendance for the week was at 96% and the QA score at 99%.

We faced some challenges during the 3rd week where we had to let go couple of the agents due to their attendance issues and performance but still we managed to over-achieve the weekly goal. Attendance for the week was 92% with the QA score of 98%.

The 4th week of the month did not go as planned and we got major hit in the week due to attendance where 2-3 agents were on UPL’s and we also had annual holiday. Our attendance for the week was at 93% with a QA score of 97%.

In the month of October we managed to produce, train and coach our people well and we set an example for other projects of company that how to lead.  

Requirements of Monthly Report BPO

Creating a monthly report is a good habit for a successful business. BPO industry has a requirement from the management people for writing a report after closing of every month that should cover the following areas in this order;
  1. Production versus Goal, units, Sales per month and Revenue, number of no issues days.
  2. Quality, Score percentage of good calls, average calls and bad calls versus the number evaluated.
  3. Attendance, Attrition and the percentage of increase in A, B & C performers in past month.
  4. Cover in detail your Top 2 or 3 agents or employees.
  5.  Interaction with and employee that is not reporting to you.
  6. Understanding on calls/meetings/conversation with client.
  7. Suggestions, Ideas and/or concerns that you feel will improve BPO brand name.

New Team Distribution Format Operations-Quality Assurance

Following is the new team distribution for W.E.F. today i.e. Month, Date, Year. Please let the teams know and update the respective email groups accordingly. Also the targets are placed right next to the agents should be considered as a goal for each individual. Start communicating with them.

Team Mike
Team Daniel
Leads to Gen.
Agent Name
Agent Name
Recording to Listen
Patricia Smith
Nakia McDonald
Ryann Kidd
Anna Witherspoon
Timothy Brown
Amanda Santos
Nichole Glover
Bill Young
Alex Walcott
Ramon Lopez
Jody Montalbo
Jan Riddle
Hector Melicoff-Ortiz
Armstead King
Dulske Michael
Valerie Mapes
Yves Numa
Eddie Mcclinton
Gilbert Boutte
John Allen
Tyshia Fleming
Sharon Safadi
Robert Wright
Dustin Debrower
Florence Marsh
Marvin Beaver
Kenneth Anderson
Cortez Perez

Tuesday 4 February 2014

Importance of British-UK Project in Call Center BPO

UK or British call center projects are always on top in demand. We help you grow your business by successfully running UK based call center projects.

We are different from others and we have unique identity because we develop our own regulations. We never charge anything for our services. All of them are free and will remain free forever for you. The least level of success starts for your call center business when you start taking advice and follow it. We share experience and we advice you to the right path of this business.

In other posts of this blog you can find British/UK project details, scripts, rebuttal, selling procedure and many other useful tips and information.

Importance of Australian Project in Call Center BPO

Australian projects are in demand in call centers these days. We have most successful Australian call center projects available on our site.

Australia campaigns require accuracy. We will provide you such material which will help you increase your decision power and will create abilities in you to get the job done on Australian call center campaign.  You will find the sectors which are more imperative and significant.

In other posts of this blog you can find Australian project details, scripts, rebuttal, selling procedure and many other useful tips and information. 

Importance of American-USA Project in Call Center BPO

USA call center projects are very important. We have successfully reduced the failure on USA call center projects.

We are too much focused on our user’s interest. We always bring the best of best helping material for our visitor’s to ensure their success in this industry. We help them hire new people, increase production and save cost. Popular USA projects are added in this section so you get maximum level of advantage from our site; hope you will find what you are looking for.

In other posts of this blog you can find American/USA project details, scripts, rebuttal, selling procedure and many other useful tips and information. 

Importance of Canadian Project in Call Center BPO

Canadian Projects are really popular these days in call centers. Canadian projects details and scripts are provided to get good command on any Canadian project.

Whoever is willing to get success in call center field needs to have proper helping material and most important of all is the basic knowledge of the project or campaign on which they need to work. We are trying our level best to outline those guidelines for you which will cover almost every possibility of your success. Some of the top Canadian projects are added with details here.

In other posts of this blog you can find Canadian project details, scripts, rebuttal, selling procedure and many other useful tips and information. 

AAyat Ul Qursi English Arabic

"Allah! There is no god except HIM - The Living, The Self-Subsist, Eternal. No slumber can seize Him nor Sleep.  Everything belongs to HIM in the heavens and on earth. Who is there can intercede In His presence except As He permitted? He know what (appeared to His creatures As) before or After or behind them. Nor shall they compass Aught of his knowledge Except as He will. His throne doth extend over the heavens And on earth, and He felt no fatigue in guarding and preserving them, For He is the Most High. The Supreme"

اللَّهُ لاَ إِلَهَ إِلاَّ هُوَ الْحَيُّ الْقَيُّومُ لاَ تَأْخُذُهُ سِنَةٌ وَلاَ نَوْمٌ لَهُ مَا فِي السَّمَاوَاتِ وَمَا فِي الأَرْضِ مَنْ ذَا الَّذِي يَشْفَعُ عِنْدَهُ إِلاَّ بِإِذْنِهِ يَعْلَمُ مَا بَيْنَ أَيْدِيهِمْ وَمَا خَلْفَهُمْ وَلاَ يُحِيطُونَ بِشَيْءٍ مِنْ عِلْمِهِ إِلاَّ بِمَا شَاءَ وَسِعَ كُرْسِيُّهُ السَّمَاو ;َاتِ وَالأَرْضَ وَلاَ يَئُودُهُ حِفْظُهُمَا وَهُوَ الْعَلِيُّ الْعَظِيمُ

[Chapter 2, Verse: 255]

Allah hu la i’laha illa Hu wal, Haiyul Qayyum
La ta' khud’huhu sinatun wa la naum,

lahu ma fis samawati wa ma fil ard

Man d’hal-lad’hi yash fa'u 'indahu illa bi-izhnihi 

Ya'lamu ma baina aidihim wa ma khalfahum,
wa la yuhituna bi shai'im-min 'ilmihi
illa bima sha' aa
 Wasi'a kursiyu hus samawati  wal ard’
wa la ya'udu hu hifzu huma 
Wa Huwal 'Ali yul Azeem

Six Kalamas of Islam : Arabic Script English and Urdu Translation

There are six (6) Kalmas in Islam. Six (6) Kalmas are taken from verses of Quran and these all six (6) Kalmas are based on Saheh Hadith. Muslims all across the world belief in Kalmas, memorize & recite them. Following are the six Kalmas of Islam.

Below are the six Kalamas of Islam with Arabic Script with English and Urdu Translation.

Six Kalamas of Islam : Arabic Script English Translation

There are six (6) Kalmas in Islam. Six (6) Kalmas are taken from verses of Quran and these all six (6) Kalmas are based on Saheh Hadith. Muslims all across the world belief in Kalmas, memorize & recite them. Following are the six Kalmas of Islam.

Below are the six Kalamas of Islam with Arabic Script and English Translation.

Six Kalamas of Islam : Arabic Script Urdu Translation

There are six (6) Kalmas in Islam. Six (6) Kalmas are taken from verses of Quran and these all six (6) Kalmas are based on Saheh Hadith. Muslims all across the world belief in Kalmas, memorize & recite them. Following are the six Kalmas of Islam.

Below are the six Kalamas of Islam with Arabic Script and Urdu Translation.

Six Kalamas of Islam in Arabic Script

There are six (6) Kalmas in Islam. Six (6) Kalmas are taken from verses of Quran and these all six (6) Kalmas are based on Saheh Hadith. Muslims all across the world belief in Kalmas, memorize & recite them. Following are the six Kalmas of Islam.

Six Kalimas of Islam in English

There are six (6) Kalmas in Islam. Six (6) Kalmas are taken from verses of Quran and these all six (6) Kalmas are based on Saheh Hadith. Muslims all across the world belief in Kalmas, memorize & recite them. Following are the six Kalmas of Islam.

Kalmah Tayyibah meaning Word of Purity

There is no god except ALLAH; Muhammad is HIS Prophet.

Kalmah Shahadah meaning Word of Testimony

I bear witness there is no god except ALLAH; He is one; no partners hath He; And I certify that Muhammad is His worshipper and His Messenger.

Kalmah Tamjeed meaning Word of Glorification

Glory is to Allah and all praise be to Allah, there is none worthy of worship except Allah, and Allah is the Greatest. There is no might or power except from Allah, the Exalted, and the Great One.

Kalmah Toheed meaning  Word of Oneness

There is none worthy of worship except Allah. He is alone and has no partner. To Him belongs the Kingdom and for Him is all praise. He gives life and causes death. In His hand is all good and He has power over everything

Kalmah Istaghfar meaning Word of Penitence

I seek forgiveness from Allah, my lord, from every sin I committed knowingly or unknowingly, secretly or openly. I also seek His forgiveness for all sins which I am aware of or am not aware of. Certainly You (O Allah!) are the Knower of the hidden and the Concealed of mistakes and the Forgiver of sins. And there is no power and no strength except from Allah, the Most High the Most Great.

Kalmah Radde Kufr meaning Word of Rejecting Disbelief

O Allah! I seek refuge in You from that I should ascribe any partner with You knowingly. I seek Your forgiveness for the sin of which I have no knowledge. I repent from it. And becoming disgusted of disbelief and idolatry, lying and backbiting, innovation and slander, lewdness and abomination and all other acts of disobedience, I submit to Your will. I believe and I declare that there is none worthy of worship except Allah and Muhammad is the Messenger of Allah.

About Quran Online Project

Quran is a book which is the message of Allah revealed to Prophet Muhammad through Jibril. This message was given to the Prophet (saw) in pieces over a period spanning approximately 23 years (610 CE to 632 CE). The Prophet (saw) was 40 years old when the Qur'an began to be revealed to him, and he was 63 when the revelation was completed. The language of the original message was Arabic, but it has been translated into many other languages..

Prophet Muhammad (saw) was the final Messenger of Allah to humanity, and therefore the Qur'an is the last Message which Allah has sent to mankind.

Quran (Complete Arabic Script) Chapter 01 (Parah Number 01) is given on this blog. Starting with Surah Al-Fatihah.

In the Name of Allah, the Most Beneficent, the Most Merciful. All the praises and thanks be to Allah, the Lord of the All Worlds. The Most Beneficent, the Most Merciful. The Only Owner (and the Only Ruling Judge) of the Day of Recompense. You (Alone) we worship, and You (Alone) we ask for help (for each and everything). Guide us to the Straight Way. The Way of those on whom You have bestowed Your Grace, not (the way) of those who earned Your Anger, nor of those who went astray.

Outbound BPO Call Center Top Ten Services

An outbound call center is one that exclusively or predominately handles outgoing calls. Calls are initiated from outbound call centers. A call center may deal either only inbound or outbound calls or might handle both of them.

Outbound call centers are mainly used for following purposes:
  1. Product Sale
  2. Appointment Setting
  3. Lead Generation
  4. Survey
  5. After Sale Service
  6. Feedback Collection
  7. Recovery
  8. Fund Raising
  9. Verification Services
  10. List Updating

Outbound call centers require less or no experience. It’s really easier to find work for outbound call center as compare to an inbound call center. Calling process, system requirements and operational cost is also lower than inbounds.

Inbound BPO Call Center

Inbound call center is where a representative answers a customer’s call. Inbound call centers are mainly used to provide inbound support, online help, rescue service by government and also used to book orders.

In early ages of call center; Government departments and Fortune 500 companies started their helpline. All those call centers were inbound. The best examples of inbound call centers we have are police help lines, rescue departments helpline, fire brigade, central board of revenue’s helpline etc…

Not to forget the Banks… Bank of America was one of the earliest call centers in the world. They operated both way inbound and outbound to provide the best service. These days we can see small scale companies having a support at least one seat based support department which representative answers the incoming phone calls. 

Countrywide projects of a BPO

Most of the call centers have customer care projects in which they provide customer service, inbound services, outbound sales, appointment settings, lead generation, live transfers and sales etc. Most of these projects belong to following countries.
  • Australia
  • Canada
  • United Kingdom (UK)
  • United States of America (USA)

And there is one project which is religious and really special. It’s called Online Quran Teaching. This is most respectable and most profitable project without time limitation and boundaries.

We have provided detailed scripts for all projects for our visitors so that they can get maximum benefit out of this blog.

Monday 3 February 2014

Top Most Core Values of BPO's

There are a few most important ingredients that contribute towards a call center’s establishment and growth. With this vision BPO link was established, a higher level freelance advisor to your call center business. With professionals committed to promote calling industry. BPO Link aims to provide quality counseling and full assistance in all core values of call centers. Eigth core values of BPO are as under:
  1. Honesty
  2. Integrity
  3. Responsibility
  4. Employee Satisfaction
  5. Quality
  6. Teamwork
  7. Customer Trust
  8. Innovation

Reliable Business Process Outsourcing (BPO) Partner

Nobody knows your business as much as you do. However, if you ever wished to save time or cost for day to day back office work then you have come to the right place.
BPO Link partners with you, understands your needs, and offers an extensive range of call center and back office services that save you time and money as well as provide significant service improvements and overall customer satisfaction. Our goal is to provide you a cost effective and efficient Call Center Solution and become your reliable Business Process Outsourcing (BPO) partner therefore offloading your workload so that you can spend more time on your business.

Welcome As a member of OUR COMPANY sample

Welcome to the World of SUCCESS. Welcome As a member of OUR COMPANY
UNITY IS THE BEST DISCIPLINE. Together we can grow more... We believe that successful partnerships are an integral part in expanding your business and clientele base. With this in mind, we are looking for innovative partners with the desire to work collaboratively to help deliver our clients their IT, BPO, and staffing needs.

Our Partner Program provides you following benefits

  • Get a JOB
  • Hire an Employee
  • Find A Right Client for your Call Center
  • Stay Aware of Industry Trends
  • Arbitration 


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Writing a Content Changes Notification for a Blog

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Resume Submission Process Explained in 400 Words

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Content Writing sample of Registration Disclaimer

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Sample of An Attention Note for a Website

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BPO Link is committed to providing freelance ongoing value to call center industry. We deliver innovative and cost-effective Call Center services to businesses, to provide a range of high quality and cost-efficient information solutions enabling call centers (BPOs) achieve their business
Our delivery model features an inclusive strategy: by showing low-cost strategies. Around the country and mapping their employee potential and business environment, we can satisfy the qualitative requirements of call center customers at the best.
Our workforce comprises a variety of skilled individuals with extensive domain knowledge, from beginner call center to a successful to business setup.
Our customers reap the benefits of our 99% success rate in project handling. BPO Link’s team offers plug-and-play benefits with mitigated risk, accountability, transparency and a Single Point of Contact.
Operational excellence is what defines BPO Link. We are expanding more from current stats of over 5000 employee across 30 member call centers as our value proposition! Staying with BPO Link you open the door to a wide range of specialized services across industry, saving you precious time in assessing your every thing from employee to client and from VoIP to customer. We strongly abide by our core values of integrity, teamwork and excellence to develop enduring partnerships.