Monday 3 February 2014

Vision: We search, we find and we share

We search, we find and we share…

BPO Link owes a significant contribution to society by providing an initiative to people who care about their business.

BPO Link prides itself on its horizontal association. Headed by a young, dynamic top management team of people who lead by example and go where needed to get the job done, it's a company with a completely hands-on approach to doing things. Anybody can walk a step ahead - to share a thought or discuss a new way of doing things. The accessibility gives freedom with accountability and discipline, and empowers people to realize their full potential.

7 Objectives:
  1. To raise awareness and build the better ever call centers system
  2. Employee Empowerment
  3. Collaborative Environment
  4. To capacitate call center status and empower their rights in society
  5. To provide a uniform platform of advocacy for resolving call center (BPO) issues and eradicating inequities at a grass root level for policy level changes.
  6. To build capacity of local/offshore Call Centers effective utilization of locally available human resources
  7. To support PEOPLE by providing BPO sectors guidance to reduce unemployment ratio

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