Monday 3 February 2014

Core Values of BPO Link

The ongoing vision of the BPO Link is to expand the highly successful approach and establish it as a replicable model for call centers in a community-based organization across world. We are a team of highly talented, skilled, self motivated and dedicated individuals who spend time and money to make call center industry more reliable in near future. BPO Link provides a creative and learning environment where new call centers owners from underserved communities work with experienced to explore their own ideas, develop skills, and build confidence in them. BPO Link is providing over 100 call centers an access to resources, skills, and experiences to help them succeed in their business, contribute to their communities, and lead outstanding lives.

Our Core Values:
  1. Relationships - sustaining healthy, respectful, and consistent communications.
  2. Creative process - nurturing a community of lifelong learners and producers.
  3. Diversity - encouraging active participation in a grassroots network.
  4. Have fun - Engaging in digital media, art, and technology tools to express, invent, and collaborate.
We believe that Values plays a vital role in a successful business. It is one of the most important ingredients that contribute towards a call center’s establishment and growth.

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