Monday 3 February 2014

Introduction to BPO Link

BPO Link is a leading and exclusive Online Tutoring & Distance learning blog from Islamabad/Pakistan, provides one to one Online BPO Reading Education plus Basic BPO Teachings to all individuals. BPO Link is non-partisan with best industry standards; we are not part of any group, organization or institute. We welcome all interested in learning BPO industry trends. Established in 2014 by a team of BPO experts and engineers, our initial aim was to form Qualified Tutor team that can serve every type of person who wants to read and understand BPO industry. With an uncompromising commitment to quality our team has produced international standard of information.

  • No Registration Fee
  • One to One Learning
  • Join Anytime from Anywhere
  • Free Information blog-wide
  • Learn at your doorstep
  • Teaching in simple English
  • Covered almost every aspect of BPO industry

Our posts are free; have fun and information together posted by hardworking individuals of high caliber who know well how to keep on going easily in a friendly environment to provide best material.

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