Wednesday 5 February 2014

How To Lead In A Company With Team

Last quarter of the year was one of the best months for our Project and the company. We learnt a lot from this month and overcame all the challenges that arise during the month. Team did an outstanding job throughout the month.

Team managed to over-achieve the revenue goal by 40% and contributed 35% towards the total Revenue goal of the company which is a great achievement for us and for the team. The start of the month and the 1st week was one of the best weeks we had where team over-achieved the weekly goal by almost 50%. We had 100% attendance and 99% QA.

The 2nd week for the month also went as planned and we over-achieved our daily goal by 25%. The attendance for the week was at 96% and the QA score at 99%.

We faced some challenges during the 3rd week where we had to let go couple of the agents due to their attendance issues and performance but still we managed to over-achieve the weekly goal. Attendance for the week was 92% with the QA score of 98%.

The 4th week of the month did not go as planned and we got major hit in the week due to attendance where 2-3 agents were on UPL’s and we also had annual holiday. Our attendance for the week was at 93% with a QA score of 97%.

In the month of October we managed to produce, train and coach our people well and we set an example for other projects of company that how to lead.  

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